So I woke up this morning, started packing up the remnants of my life for the past 4 years, and it hit me that "shit this is it." Another chapter of my life done and now what. So I sat down and pulled out my trusty BLACK BOOK (the keeper of my inner thoughts) and tried to sort through where I've been in order to figure out where I need to be.
For those of you who have been at one of these crossroads, you can probably guess that despite my determination to sort some shit out, very little made it from my mind to the page. So I did what most people do in this situation and ignored my feelings of trepidation and went on about my day.
So what does that have to do with this blog...
To be honest not much, but I figured folks might like to know that my life is very far from together so don't expect a slue of prolific thoughts to ease your soul. There will be no wise proverbs or clever insights into life (well maybe just a few, we all have our moments). Instead, I think I want to use this blog as a means of sorting through the often chaotic aspects of my life.
So here is my first attempt.
I wasn't given a middle name when I was born (a family tradition on my father Red's side more on his trifling ass later) so over the years my friends have given me a bunch of substitute middle names; one for each of my many personalities. I was talking to one of my best friends Black Laces and told her I thought it would be funny if they ever met one and other. She told me it's a good thing they can't cause that would just be too damn extra and we had a good laugh. But afterwards I was really curious about what they might say to one and other...strange I know, but here me out.
In order to ease the publics introduction to the inner workings of my mind I have reduced the personalities down to three: Maestro, Mahlik, and Mercutio. I hope you have as much fun with them as I do. Maybe if I give them a venue to speak they will stop driving me crazy.
Now don't make that face. I told you from the beginning that I didn't have my shit together.
So here are a few ground rules on how I (and my 3 alter egos) plan on running things.
YES. I will talk about people I know and myself as honestly as possible
NO. I wont use their real names (so stop worrying about it).
YES. I will try to post frequently, but do know that this brother has a job (or at least is on the hunt for one that should be coming through some day soon) so cut me some slack if I disappear for awhile.
NO. I will not post up nude photos of myself (you can't get all this caramel goodness for free)
Things I will talk about: EVERYTHING. Art, poetry, films, pop-culture, politics, sex, drugs, and music. I run in a lot of circles and most of the people I know have been through some serious shit and I think it's about damn time that folks get to hear some real shit about life. About the pains and the joys, the highs and the lows, and all that jazz.
For now, lights out.